Pre-Purification Program in Hornell NY

Read on for more information from our clinic in Hornell NY about preparing for our purification program
Three to four weeks before the Purification, 4 to 8 Betafood per day.
Purification Program in Hornell NY
Days 1-7
2-3 SP Complete shakes per day
7 SP Cleanse capsules three times per day
3 Gastro-Fiber capsules 3 times per day
Days 8-21
2-3 SP Complete shakes per day
3 Gastro Fiber capsules 3 times per day
5 SP Green Food capsules twice per day
Additional supplementation may be recommended by your health care provider.
21-Day Purification Pantry
- Unlimited amount of vegetables, fresh or frozen, excluding corn, potatoes and peas
- Fruits, fresh or frozen, half as many as vegetables
- Legumes: green beans, lentils and quinoa, one cup per day
- Oils and fats, 4-7 teaspoons per day, avocado, butter, coconut oil, flaxseed oil, ghee, grape seed oil, olive oil, pumpkin seed butter, sesame seed oil, tahini
- Protein sources can be added on day 11. two to four servings per day, half of which is fish: deep sea fish, not farm raised, lean red meats, poultry (organic, free-range), wild game
- Broths: beef, chicken, vegetable
- Coconut flour
- Dairy-free milk: coconut, hemp
- Raw seeds
- Spices
- Vinegars
- Spring water - drink half your body weight in ounces of water per day
- Refrain from using:
- Alcohol, caffeine, tobacco or other stimulants
- Nuts
- Dairy
- Eggs
- Grains
- Processed or refined foods
See you health professional for a book detailing the 21-day Purification and more information.
9:00am - 12:00pm
9:00am - 6:00pm
9:00am - 6:00pm
9:00am - 12:00pm
By Appointment Only
Hornell Chiropractic and Wellness
340 Cleveland Ave
Hornell, NY 14843