Weight Loss Testimonials

All of these people successfully lost weight. These are some of the other benefits they experienced:

“You were right about this being anti-inflammatory. I no longer wake up with back and hip pain.”

 - Heather - Two weeks into diet - lost 14 pounds 

“I have a lot more energy.”

 - Katelyn - Lost 22 pounds 

“I went off my blood pressure medication. I have much more energy, and I just generally feel better."

 - Sue - lost 21 pounds 

“Pure joy at fitting into a closet-full of FAVORITE old clothes. It’s also much easier to take the stairs."

 - Karen - lost 18 pounds

“I can walk up stairs easier and bend over and tie my shoes easier. I feel more empowered and less like a victim."

 - Audrey - has lost 18 pounds in three weeks 

“I have confidence and pride. I feel like me again. Not so sad and angry. I enjoy playing and running around with the kids more. Also, my sinus problems are not so intense.”

 - Laurie - so far down 19 pounds

“I wanted to lose weight before I had another baby. I didn’t want to go into a pregnancy being so heavy. Also, I used to have blood sugar crashes all through the day. Even in the morning, I sometimes felt faint and dizzy just walking downstairs to breakfast. That doesn’t happen anymore. Finally, I got rid of a nagging pain between my shoulders that went up into my neck and gave me headaches. It’s the diet—it’s so healthy.”

 - Joyce - lost 55 pounds

“I tried so many different things to lose weight and couldn’t lose a pound. I’m in good physical condition, too. I exercised and ate right and still couldn’t lose—in fact I was slowly gaining weight. I have so many great clothes that just sat in my closet. I knew I would get into them some day. And I have. They’re even loose.”

 - Marian - lost 22 pounds

“I’ve been overweight since I was in the second grade. I’ve always had a poor body image–I think even my family gave up on me. As a single mother, I wanted to get back into dating, but didn’t have the confidence. Now, my swollen legs look completely normal. I thought I had bad feet and knees, and could not walk very far—but it was the poor food choices, because the back, hip, knee and foot pain went away right away, before I had lost much weight. I used to get really sick for weeks, several times a year. Now, my little illnesses last a few days. My PMS is much improved. I’m six feet tall, and being so heavy, I mail-ordered clothes, at great expense, and kept whatever fit me. Now I can go into a regular store, try things on and buy the things that look good on me. Sometimes even on sale. I can wear skinny jeans. And now I’M DATING!!!!"

 - Laura - lost 53 pounds 

“I’m off my blood pressure medication and my cholesterol medication. I sleep better. I’m happy. No longer depressed."

 - Vickie - lost 23 pounds


9:00am - 12:00pm

9:00am - 6:00pm

9:00am - 6:00pm

9:00am - 12:00pm


By Appointment Only


Hornell Chiropractic and Wellness

340 Cleveland Ave
Hornell, NY 14843

(607) 324-2444